Welcome to Rainbow Skies
....a website that aims to offer ideas, support and friendship to anyone interested or feeling lonely, and to encourage the community feeling of being kind and supportive to those around us.
Check out the various pages to find suggestions on: becoming a rainbow friend, activities to try, places to visit, books to read, or a topic for thought and discussion with either myself or with friends.
Help me to support those who are finding life a little difficult or who would appreciate a virtual friend by passing on the website details to anyone you think might be interested or would find it helpful and support me, on my own journey as a writer, through interacting with your own thoughts and suggestions. Try new things and let me know how you get on via the Contact Us page or Facebook page , visit areas of local interest and tell me about them, read lots of books and send me your opinion or just let me know what you are thinking on the various topics I ramble on about!
Like and follow the Rainbow Skies Facebook page to get updates when new content is added and ensure you are always up to date.
Thank you for joining me and supporting me on my new venture.