Rainbow Readers
I’ve always been a book lover. As a child I was never
without a book to hand and if I happened to be somewhere and finished it without a new book ready, I would simply turn to the front and start reading
it all over again!
Work life, family life and just general life limited my
reading for many years but I am now back and enjoying discovering new genres
and new titles.
I am a member of a lovely book group where the cakes and the company are just as important as the stories themselves! We indulge ourselves, share our book choices and have some lively discussion and debate as to what we
think. We all agree that it is a good way of investigating new authors and different genres to ones we would naturally gravitate
towards and although we don’t necessarily enjoy all of the books, we enjoy
hearing what each of us thought.
This section will introduce you to some of the books I
have been reading either independently or through my book club. Some of them I
will have loved, some of them a little less so, but they are suggestions for
you to make up your own mind. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts or
to suggest a book choice of your own.